New York to Philadelphia Bus

New York to Philadelphia Bus

If you are looking for the exact information of bus to travel from New York to Philadelphia then you are in the right place because we are going to provide you with the best and the most valuable information which is best for your journey and to save your time.

There are 71 intercity buses per day travelling from New York to Philadelphia. Using a bus for travelling from New York to Philadelphia is the best way. It only takes 2 hours and 10 minutes to reach the destination but the fastest bus Ourbus lines can reach the destination within just one hour and 30 minutes.

Trip Overview

Daily Buses 71
Bus lines 7
Earliest and Latest Bus Departures 12:05 AM – 11:45 PM
Minimum Price $4
Average Ticket Price $23
Distance 81 mi (130 km)
Minimum Trip Duration 1h30m
Average Bus Trip Duration 2h
Famous Bus Companies on This Route Greyhound, FlixBus, Wanda Coach, OurBus, Peter Pan, ourbus
Information on the New York to Philadelphia bus route
  • FlixBus US: 15 daily buses from $4
  • Greyhound: 18 daily buses from $4
  • OurBus: 8 daily buses from $4
  • Ourbus: 8 daily buses from $11
  • PandaNY Bus: 7 daily buses from $20
  • Peter Pan Lines: 12 daily buses from $8
  • Wanda Coach: 5 daily buses from $20

How much is the bus Ticket from New York to Philadelphia

The average bus ticket from New York to Philadelphia is about $16. But the minimum ticket price to travel from New York to Philadelphia is just $4.
Using the bus is the cheapest way to travel from New York to Philadelphia. The average time duration is 2 hours and 10 minutes but the fastest bus can reach you at your destination within just one and a half hours. The famous bus companies operating from New Yorker to Philadelphia are as follows: Greyhound, FlixBus, Wanda Coach, OurBus, Peter Pan, and ourbus.

You can also choose a train or aeroplane for the trip rather than a bus. Airplane is the fastest way to reach the destination but it is the most expensive way of travelling. The train is a good and a compromising source for your trip in terms of the ticket price but it is a bit difficult to get a ticket for the train as there are less number of trains per day between the two cities. The bus is the coolest and the cheapest way to reach Destiny with manageable time and affordable ticket prices.

FlixBus US 15 2h 3m $21.46
Greyhound 18 2h 24m $22.07
OurBus 8 1h 47m $9.90
Ourbus 8 1h 46m $15.84
PandaNY Bus 7 2h 9m $20.00
Peter Pan Lines 12 1h 50m $11.89
Wanda Coach 5 2h 0m $20.00
Journey Information of bus companies that offer Bus lines from New York to Philadelphia

Station Information of New York

There are 12 bus stations from where the buses leave for Philadelphia

  • 300-310 W 31 St (SW Corner of 31st & 8th Ave)
  • Port Authority – 301 W 41st St
  • 11th Ave (btw. 35th & 36th St.)
  • Port Authority Bus Station
  • 127 East Broadway
  • 87 Division Street
  • GW Bridge Bus Station
  • Brooklyn, NY
  • 7-11 – Jd Foods
  • Hudson Yards
  • Madison Ave btwn E. 26th and 27th St
  • 51 Madison Ave

Station Information of Philadelphia

There are 12 stations in Philadelphia

  • Philadelphia Bus Station
  • Independence Hall Visitors Ctr – 601 Market St
  • Philadelphia Mills – RED Lot
  • 55-57 N 11th St
  • Center City – Fashion District
  • 722 Adams Ave
  • 2399 Cottman Ave
  • Independence Travel Center
  • Logan Square
  • 3050 JFK Boulevard (NW Corner)
  • Drexel Overpass – 30th St. & JFK Blvd
  • SEPTA Fort Washington Station

Frequently Asked Questions

How much is the bus from NYC to Philly?

The ticket price of the bus varies from New York to Philadelphia. Here is the list of ticket prices for different bus lines :

FlixBus US $21.46
Greyhound $22.07
OurBus $9.90
Ourbus $15.84
PandaNY Bus $20.00
Peter Pan Lines $11.89
Wanda Coach $20.00

How long does it take from New York to Philadelphia by bus?

The average time duration of buses from New York to Philadelphia is 2 hours 10 minutes but the fastest bus can reach you there just within one and a half hours.

Which bus companies travel from New York to Philadelphia?

There are 7 bus lines that operate from New York to Philadelphia including Greyhound, FlixBus, Wanda Coach, OurBus, Peter Pan, and ourbus.

What can I take with me on the New York to Philadelphia bus route?

It Depends upon the specific provider you choose to travel to. The terms and conditions are different for each provider. Typically on the bus route from New York to Philadelphia, the passengers are allowed to bring suitcases and hand luggage without any kind of additional cost.

What is the easiest way to get from New York to Philadelphia?

The quickest way to reach Philadelphia from New York is a train. The fastest Amtrak train can get you to the destination in just 36 minutes on board. But the average time taken by train is 1 hour and 20 min. The passenger can also get the flight to Philadelphia from New York but it is always expensive and time-consuming to get the aeroplane as airport protocols and procedures are always time-consuming. Buses are the best and the cheapest way to reach the destination because there are 71 bus routes per day between Philadelphia and New York rather than trains as there are less number of trains per day.

How much is a train ticket from New York City to Philadelphia?

Here is the overview of the trains from New York City to Philadelphia:

Daily Trains 41
Earliest and Latest Train Departures 12:20 AM – 11:58 PM
Minimum Price $10
Average Ticket Price $91
Minimum Trip Duration 1h5m

How long is the train from Philadelphia to New York City?

A quick overview of trains from Philadelphia to New York City

Distance 80 miles (129 km)
Average train duration 1 h 23 min
Average train ticket price $11 (€10)
Train frequency 42 per day
Direct train 42 direct trains a day

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