What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of the Online Exam System

 What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of the Online Exam System?

Covid-19 has shattered the long-held belief systems in almost every sector. When the government forced us to stay confined within the walls of our rooms, it became devastating, especially so for the students to continue their studies. This is why, to maintain harmony, educational institutions took the initiative to re-think the in-person learning experience. 

In addition to this, many students face challenges in securing their dream grades in complicated examinations due to increased absenteeism in college. Fortunately, the advanced education system changed the assessment landscape with technology in the mix. One of the most significant examples of these changes is e-learning opportunities like online exam and classes.

The shift from in-class examinations to online examinations creates a comfort zone for students that they never want to leave. Apart from that, students become so addicted to the modern-day education system that they don’t want to attend face-to-face classes. According to them, they have so many things on their plate, making it impossible to attend every activity. That is why they always find reliable alternatives like MyAssignmenthelp.com, where they ask experts, “Can you take my online class?” to follow up with the missed lectures. 

Challenges that Forced Students to Opt for Online Learning Support 

  • Rigid class timings that may not be suitable for everyone.
  • Unable to attend classes on a daily basis.
  • Always miss early morning lectures.
  • Lack of support from educators.
  • No scope to reattempt face-to-face classes.
  • Often fail to attend classes due to distance issues.

But you need to remember that every opportunity comes with certain drawbacks. Online learning systems help students to follow up the daily classroom activities and practice through pre-recorded classes. The online exam has several limitations that can hinder students from revamping their academic journey.

In the following section, I will explore the major advantages and disadvantages of online exams, considering their accessibility, feasibility, and suitability.

Let’s have a look:

The Advantages of Online Exams

Pros Description
Environment Friendly 
  • Pen-and-Paper examinations require a lot of paper to print the questions and prepare answer sheets.
  • Paperless exams save trees and conserve energy.
  • It reduces the carbon footprint and saves the earth.
  • Human, logistics, and administrative costs are associated with the traditional examination system.
  • It is cost-effective as authorities don’t need to assemble large exam halls.
  • Multiple factors are included in the old exam set-up assessment centers to make it convenient.
Time Management
  • You don’t need to waste time traveling to the exam center.
  • It reduces the time and effort spent in overseeing the entire exam process.
  • Auto grading system allows teachers to mark exam papers and publish results instantly and easily.
  • It is extremely helpful for distance education.
  • Students can attend the exam from anywhere.
  • They don’t need to rush to the exam hall.

The Disadvantages of Online Exams

Cons Description
Technical Issues
  • It may be difficult for both learners and educators who have a lack of literacy in computers.
  • Poor technological skills may consume a lot of time in the initial phase.
  • The older generation needs time to get used to the system-based approach.
Infrastructure Issues
  • Learners may face common challenges like disrupted internet connection and shortages of electricity.
  • You need to arrange all the necessary equipment by yourself.
  • The absence of natural bodies in the online setting makes it difficult for students to ignore the outside interruptions.
Susceptible to Cheating
  • Examinees often resort to impersonation.
  • The use of external help like smartphones or the internet is increasing.
  • The cheating rate in online exams is higher as compared to paper-based exams.


As you can see, the online examination system has both benefits and drawbacks. However, students can get the maximum benefits of online exams by maintaining ethics and academic integrity.

Here, I have mentioned a few points that can help you to understand the ethical use of online exams.

How to Maintain Ethics in Online Exams?

  • Do not copy and paste from others’ work. 
  • Try to do it without taking help from the internet.
  • Avoid using the open-book concept during the exam.
  • Follow the instructions given by your educators.
  • Do not violate academic integrity, such as cheating.
  • Do not rely on Generative-AI to prepare your answers.

Online exams are undoubtedly helpful if it is utilized considering ethical standards. By applying the points mentioned above, you can not only refrain from unethical practices but also obtain critical thinking skills. It will help you to get more involved with your studies instead of relying on others.


In the not-so-distant past offline classes were the only option to learn. However, with the rapid development of technology, online learning opportunities are becoming more popular nowadays. I am not arguing that traditional learning is obsolete. But, it is crucial to consider the flexibility and suitability of online study mode that helps millions of students to continue their studies even in disrupted circumstances.

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